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I think the term is arraign

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Q: A term meaning to bring a person before a judge before he is jailed is called?
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What is it called when person having protection from being jailed without evidence?

habeas corpus

habeas corpus?

court order that requires authorities to bring a person held in jail to court to determine why he or she is being jailed.

What was a court order directing that a jailed person be brought before a court to determine the reason he or she was being held in jail?

habeas corpus

Who was the person jailed for his opinions?

Pedo bear

What is protection from being jailed without evidence called?

Protection from being jailed without evidence is called habeas corpus. This means the police can't hold a person over a certain amount of time without charging them with a crime or showing evidence in court on why they should continue to be held.

Can a person be imprisoned for non payment of debt?

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What Watergate legal council that was jailed for his part in the scandal?

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What is the meaning of the word summoned?

"Summoned" means to officially call someone to be present, typically by authority or command. It is a formal request for someone to come or appear before a person or group.

Can a person be jailed for not making credit card payments?

No. They can't put you in jail.

What is the law that states a person has to know the charges in which he is being jailed for?

Due process.

What is the right of habeas corpus?

A person cannot be jailed unless charged for a specific crime.

Can an innocent person be sent to jail?

Certainly. Many innocent people have been jailed.