29,000 megabytes is equal to 29 gigabytes. See my answer at How_many_gb_is_29_mb
How many GB are there in 9161 MB?
1024 mb in a gb
If you have 2 Gigabytes on a computer, you have 2,000 Megabytes, or 2,048 Megabytes in many cases.
There are 1024 MB in 1 GB.
There a 5120 megabytes in a gigabyte.
There are 2048 megabytes in 2 gigabytes.
120,000 Mb. A Gb is 1000 Mb.
If you are talking 'memory' in computers than I think you want to say how many MB in a GB? 1,000 MB = 1 GB
A gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. Therefore 136 gigabytes is equal to (136 x 1024) Megabytes; this equals 139264.
1 gb = 1024 mb. 878 mb / 1024 mb/gb = 0.86 gb
there are 1000 megabytes in a gigabyte so 7000 megabytes are in 7 gigabytes
1 gigabyte (GB) = 1000 megabyte (MB)