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You need a vet.

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Q: You would like to know what is wrong with goats when they have a runny nose?
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We the people would like to know where to get a goat.?

From a person who farms goats or from a goat auction.

Why do baby goats know how to compare numbers?

I have a book that has the same riddle, but all I have for a start is_-_-_-_ _-_-_ _-_-_-_-_ "_-_-_"!

What is the difference of goat and sheep teeth?

i would think a goats teeth would be sharp and sheeps teeth would be not as sharp but im just guessing i think sheep eat grass but then again i dont know much about sheep and goats

How old are billy goats?

i don't know my answer to this question. Baby billy goats? By: Sabrina Damon

Your gerbil is losing all its fur what is wrong?

i dont know, bring it to the vets and the vets would probably know whats wrong

Is a goat a milking person?

There are two types of goats, that I know of, dairy and meat. Dairy goats are the ones you milk. Meat goats are sold at fairs for food.

Are goats known to kill people?

Aggressive goats, such as one of the Manbearpig species, are know to hurt human beings.

How do you know if your goat has her period?

Goats don't have periods.

Do you sent announcements if you are getting an associate's degree but transferring to a university If so who all to sent one to to All the ones you sent for high school?

There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.There is nothing wrong with that. It is a major accomplishment in your educational pursuit. I am sure others would like to know that.

Is their somthing wrong with Nathan kress?

He seems like a nice guy, only he would know if something is wrong with him.

What happend in Tennessee in 1500?

what's wrong with you, why would you want to know that.

How do you herd the goats on cryptic island?

Beats me i dont know!