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Q: Why is it important to maintain an open airway in the casualty?
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Which is the most important reason to maintain an open airway in the trauma?

prevent the tongue from blocking the pharynx

Which is the most important reason to maintain an open airway in the trauma patient?

prevent the tongue from blocking the pharynx

What do you do if someone is passed out?

Maintain an open airway and get help.

During 2 rescuer cpr one rescuer will provide chest compressions. What is the role of the second rescuer?

maintain an open airway and give breaths

As you're working to ensure a wounded unconscious Airman's airway is open you remind yourself that the casualty has no control over her muscles You need to open the airway quickly why?

The tongue may drop back and block the airway, causing a no breathing condition.

What is the role of the second rescuer?

maintain an open airway and give breaths

How do you treat anaphylaxis?

Maintain open airway Iv epinepherine rapid transport

Should you maintain an open airway for an fracture?

If there is no other chest or abdominal injury, and the patient is awake and conscious there is no need to worry about the airway

What is on the first steps used to check the airway of a casualty?

Open the airway with a head-tilt-chin-lift or a jaw thrust if there is a suspected spinal injury. Then look, listen, and feel for breathing/respirations.

Which connective tissue type in the bronchial tree provides the support to maintain an open airway?

Cartilage is the connective tissue type in the bronchial tree that provides support to maintain an open airway. It is found in the trachea and bronchi in the form of C-shaped rings that prevent collapse during breathing.

The passage of a tube through the nose or mouth and into the trachea to establish or maintain an open airway?


When performing the head-tilt chin-lift technique how do you straighten the casuality's windpipe to allow air movement in and out of the lungs?

Gently tilt the casualty's head by applying downward pressure on the forehead while gently lifting the chin upward.