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An animal only needs to be drenched or tubed when it is very sick and cannot eat properly. Calves are drenched with colostrum or milk when they are too weak to suckle; older cattle are drenched with electrolytes to help with digestion, or with mineral oil if they have a bad case of bloat.

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Q: Why do you drench cattle?
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How often do you need to drench?

how often do you drench cattle

What drenches do you give cows?

Drenches should ONLY be given to cows that are sick, cannot eat or are bloated. A mineral oil drench is given to cattle that are bloated, and a drench containing electrolytes are given to cattle that have severe diarrhea or at the point where they will not eat. DO NOT give drenches to cattle that do not need it!!!

How often to drench young cattle?

Calves only need to be drenched if they are needing it, like if they have severe scours or are too sick to eat. You will need to drench them as often as what the instructions say on the label of the formula you are drenching the calf with.

What part of speech is drench?

Drench is a verb.

What do you eat with a wet burger Drench fries explain joke?

The joke "What do you eat with a wet burger? Drench fries!" is a play on rhyming words. The word drench rhymes with french, and drench means to soak.

When was Steven Drench born?

Steven Drench was born on 1985-09-11.

What does to drench or to put out mean?

To drench means to flood with water, put out in context is to extinguish.

What rhymes with trench and means to make very wet?


What is the definition of soak?


What is drench--a noun or adjective?

Drench can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a large quantity of liquid that soaks something completely. As an adjective, it describes something that is soaked or saturated with liquid.

What is the name for the heavy seasonal rains that drench India every spring?

The answer is the monsoon. Monsoon was a seasonal rains that would drench India every spring.

Why do you drench a horse?

The Drench is usually in a liquid form and is applied via a small pipe or devices that sends the 'drench' down the throat. So through the mouth or nostril. Drenches are to prevent illnesses, kill off certain bacterias and to improve the health of your horse.