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Animal husbandry

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Q: Which branch of agriculture involves the rearing of livestock?
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Is apiculture is a branch of agriculture?

Yes, apiculture is a branch of agriculture that focuses on the practice of beekeeping to produce honey and other bee products. It involves the management of bee colonies to ensure their health and productivity for human use.

What is relationship between horticulture and agriculture?

Horticulture is a branch of agriculture that concerns cultivation of crops, while agriculture broadly involves cultivation of both plants and animals.Both have the mutual aim of human consumption/sustaining life.

What branch of agriculture would veterinarian fall under?

This is not a branch of agriculture but a branch of medial science.

What is the science of growing apples?

It can be called agriculture, horticulture or more specifically pomology.agriculture n the science or occupation of cultivating land and rearing crops and livestock; farming; husbandry[from Latin agricultūra, from ager field, land + cultūra culture]horticulture n the art or science of cultivating gardens[from Latin hortus garden + culture, on the model of agriculture]pomology n the branch of horticulture that is concerned with the study and cultivation of fruit[from New Latin pōmologia, from Latin pōmum apple, fruit]

What branch of government is the secratary of agriculture in?

The Secretary of Agriculture is housed underneath the Executive branch. The Secretary of Agriculture is under the direction of the President and oversees the Department of Agriculture.

Is landscaping a branch of agriculture?

Landscape design is not a subset of agriculture. Landscaping is the design of outdoor places such as gardens and yards, whereas agriculture is the science, art, and practice of raising plants and livestock. While landscaping is not part of the agricultural business, there are several circumstances when landscaping companies may be considered agriculture, particularly when it comes to soil and water quality and nurseries.

Is whaling a branch of agriculture?


What is horticulture How it is distinguished from agronomy and forestry?

Horticulture is specifically the science of plant/garden cultivation and management. Agriculture encompasses all parts of raising and growing both plants and animals. Horticulture is only a branch of agriculture.

When was Faculty of Agriculture of Islamic Azad university Roudehen Branch created?

Faculty of Agriculture of Islamic Azad university Roudehen Branch was created in 1982.

Is the secretary of agriculture part of the executive branch?

Yes. All of the cabinet is in the executive branch.

What is a branch of science dealing with the production of crops?

You could just say agriculture, but more properly it is agronomy.

What branch of government directly involves congress?

Congress IS the legislative branch.