

Best Answer

If by hydrophobia, you are referring to Rabies Encephalitis, then in suburban areas where humans come in close contact to vectors such as raccoons, feral dogs, bats, foxes, etc.

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Q: Where is the disease hydrophobia most prevalent?
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Where is this disease most prevalent hydrophobia?

In Canada

Where is hydrophobia prevalent?


Where is hydrophobia most prevalent?

Hydrophobia, or fear of water, can be prevalent in individuals with specific phobias or anxiety disorders. It is not limited to any specific geographical location but can be found worldwide in individuals with such conditions.

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Osteoarthritis of the knee joints, is the most prevalent degenerative disease, probably, in USA.

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What is the common name of the disease Hydrophobia?


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The most prevalent diseases are 1) heart disease, 2) cancers, and 3) strokes.

What detail about disease hydrophobia?

it is caused by street virus .

What part of speech is hydrophoiba?

"Hydrophobia" is a noun, the name of a disease.

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Heart disease can take several forms but the most prevalent is coronary heart disease, in which the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen become blocked and the heart muscle becomes increasingly stressed.

Where is hydrophobia most prvalent?


What symptoms do dogs have when they get hydrophobia?

They get vicious and if they scratch or bite you. You will get crazy, so avoid this disease.