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The vaccine is adminstered subcutaneously, which is under the skin. However, in the United States, only an accredited veterinarian can administer a rabies vaccination - if you do this at home, your dog is presumed to be unvaccinated and could be impounded or euthanized if it bites someone.

Some vets will give it in the muscle (IM) but it is debatable which is best. Most still prefer the subcutaneous injection.

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6y ago

Most rabies vaccines are to be administered intramuscular which is injected directly into a muscle tissue, usually in the thick muscles of a dog's thigh. Your veterinarian should be aware of the legal requirements for your area, and be able to provide you with a proper schedule so that you can get your rabies tag from your city or County Animal Control Department.

With that said, you can give them yourself if you have a prescription and/or a license. You should do it into the hip near the buttocks. When you do, be sure to sterilize the area with alcohol first.

If you administer the Rabies Vaccine yourself, you will not be able to get a written legalized form filled out that you must show as proof that your dog has gotten its rabies shot. Only a licensed vet can fill out these forms which come in triplicates for which your vet will hand you to bring to your Local Animal Control department so that you can get your dogs license tags.

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16y ago

You must inject a Rabies Vaccine into a dogs hind leg muscle.

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14y ago

Under the skin

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13y ago

Take it to the vet.

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Rabies can only occur if your dog is not vaccinated against rabies and if the dog that bit your dog has rabies. If it does not have rabies then your dog will not have rabies. But if you're still in doubt, see your Veterinarian.

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No. A dog can only get rabies from contact with a rabies-infected animal.

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Because the rabies shot is a live virus, no. This could increase the rate of your dog getting sick from rabies. Get your dog tested, then if it has rabies, get it rabies injections.

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No. However, if the dog has rabies, it probably isn't going to sit there and not bite you if you do so.

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Probably not, if it does not have rabies why would it's poop have rabies?

What does a dog have that is contagious to a human?

A dog can have certain diseases such as rabies so if a dog happens to bite you, you may get rabies.

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In my opinion no, because puppies get rabies only if an infected dog bites them; so if anything a dog has more rabies then a puppy.

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What kind of diseases can you get from your dog?

The main disease passed on from dog to man is rabies.

If a dog has rabies and bites anything it sees will it get rabies?

Not exactly. If the thing a rabid dog bites is inorganic or non-mammalian then it won't get rabies.

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a dog can get rabies by another animal that has rabies biting him.