You can purchase a medicated salt block at your local farm and ranch supply store. Tack and feed stores will also sell them.
None because no such block exists.
NaCl. That's it: just plain table salt. And there really is no such thing as a "medicated" salt block.
Oh, dude, you're talking about ephedrine-containing medicated salt licks? Well, those are typically used for livestock to treat respiratory issues. But hey, if you're thinking of licking one yourself, I'd suggest maybe sticking to regular table salt for your seasoning needs. Stay safe, man.
Ephedrine-medicated salt blocks are regulated substances in many countries and not typically available for purchase by the general public. They are usually used in veterinary medicine and are typically available through licensed veterinarians or suppliers. It's important to consult with a veterinarian or local regulatory authority for guidance on obtaining these products.
Safe-Guard makes a medicated dewormer salt block, and Bovatec makes a medicated block made to increase average daily gain of pasture stocker, slaughter, feeder cattle and beef/dairy replacement heifers. However, no other manufacturer makes any type of medicated salt block that contains the mythical ephedrine that is claimed to be extracted and used for crystal meth.
There are no salt or mineral nor medicated mineral blocks that contain any form of ephedrine in them. Sick animals are treated by antibiotics via injection, not by just giving them a "medicated" salt block.
None. There is no such thing as a medicated salt block, especially one that contains ephedrine that you can use to make crystal meth!!
They are not and never have been. Ephedrine is not found in medicated salt blocks.
brown and black
Livestock salt blocks do not contain ephedrine. Ephedrine is a stimulant drug that is not suitable for use in livestock due to potential health risks and regulatory restrictions. It is important to follow appropriate guidelines and regulations for livestock nutrition and health.
Bovatec or Safe-Guard medicated blocks should be placed out in the pasture to encourage more grazing in that pasture and less traffic at the water trough. Most people like to put out salt blocks close to a water source, but in a pasture environment, to encourage livestock to graze a certain area that is some distance from their favorite watering area, a salt block should be placed in that vicinity.
Nowhere. These type of blocks do not exist.