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No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.

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Q: What states do not require a veterinary assistant to have a degree?
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After obtaining a degree in pre-vet does that mean you are a vet tech?

No, it does not. Most states require you to have a degree specifically in veterinary technology from an AVMA accredited veterinary technology program and then to have taken and passed at least the Veterinary Technician National Exam in order to be a veterinary technician.

Who makes more a vet assistant or vet technician?

As a rule, veterinary technicians earn more than veterinary assistants. This is because the position of veterinary assistant is an entry level position with no education or previous training or experience required while in many states a veterinary technician must have earned a degree in veterinary technology and passed both state and national exams.

What degree to study for a vet technician?

Most states require veterinary technicians to have completed an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program. These are associates degree programs at colleges and universities or may be diploma programs through for-profit schools.

What training do you need to be a veterinary technician?

Most states require that a veterinary technician have completed an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program. These are typically 2 year programs and when offered through colleges result in an associates degree.

What is a regular veterinarian degree?

In the United States, the title of a veterinary degree is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Veterinary Medical Doctor (VMD).

Do you need a college degree to have a career as a veterinary assistant?

The requirements for becoming a veterinary technician vary from state to state based upon the laws governing the practice of veterinary medicine and/or veterinary technology. However in many most states where there are actually requirements to be a "veterinary technician" you must be a graduate of an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited college degree program in veterinary technology, have passed the Veterinary Technician National Exam and have passed a state exam.

Can you be a vet tech without a degree?

In most states, an associates degree or higher in veterinary technology from an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program is required in order to work as a veterinary technician. However, there are still a few states that have no requirements. Therefore it is important for anyone wishing to work as a veterinary technician to contact the state veterinary technician association or veterinary medical board to determine the requirements for their specific state.

Who makes the most vet assistant or vet tech?

Veterinary technicians (credentialed, formally educated persons) generally earn more than a veterinary assistant. Veterinary assisting is an entry level position in the veterinary medical field with no state having formal educat or training requirements for the position. A veterinary assistant is anyone who works ina veterinary facility assisting a veterinarian or veterinary technician but who has not met the requirements to be credentialed as a veterianry technician. A veterinary technician is someone who has a 2-year degree from an American Veterinary Medical Assoc. accredited veterinary technology degree program. To be credentialed (licensed, certified or registered) in a particular state a person must also have passed at least the Veterinary Technician National Exam and usually also a state exam. In many states unless you are credentialed you may not legally use the title "veterinary technician".

What qualifications are necissary for veterinary technician?

In most states, veterinary technicians are required to have completed a 2 year program culminating in an associates degree in veterinary technology that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association, to pass the Veterinary Technician National Exam and to apply for credentialing as a veterinary technician. Some states also require that applicants pass a state exam that often covers the statutes and rules that govern veterinary technicians and the practice of veterinary medicine in that state.After initial credentialing, most states require that veterinary technicians receive a set number of hours of continuing education each year in order to maintain their credentials.

Which states require certification of veterinary assistants?

No state in the US has any educational requirements for working as a veterinary ASSISTANT. This is an entry level-position in a veterinary facility and training is generally done on the job. The other position on a veterinary staff that is often confused with a veterinary assistant is a veterinary technician. Veterinary technicians are required (in most states) to have a 2 year degree in veterinary technology from an AVMA accredited veterinary technology program, to have passed the Veterinary Technician National Exam and a state exam in order to be credentialed. They are also generally required to attend a set number of continuing education courses each year to keep up with changes in veterinary medicine. Veterinary technicians are educated in veterinary anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, animal husbandry, surgical assisting, anesthesia, medical nursing, diagnostics such as radiology and ultrasonography, clinical pathology, parasitology, medical terminology and record keeping, biological collection and sample handling and preperation, etc. They can also specialize in areas such as emergency and critical care, internal medicine, anesthesia, dentistry, behavior and equine nursing. The American Veterinary Medical Association maintains a list of accredited degree programs on their website: To determine which states actually require credentialing of veterinary technicians, you should contact that state veterinary technician association or state veterinary licensing board.

What degree does it take to be a veterinarian?

In the United States, the degree is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Veterinary Medical Doctor (VMD, from The University of Pennsylvania).

Do you have to have a 2 year degree to be vet tech?

Yes, most states require that you have a 2-year degree in veterinary technology and have passed at least the Veterinary Technician National Exam and often a state exam in order to work as a veterinary technician. To find out the requirements for the state in which you live, you should contact your state veterinary technician association or whatever group in your state credentials (licenses, registers or certifies) veterinary technicians.