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The true and cheapest product is BLEACH! Of course there is stuff on the market that will kill parvo but the best is bleach 30% to 70%. I had a rottweiler survive parvo and they had told me that she won't get it again but other puppies can get it.

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Q: What products kill parvo virus in your home?
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Can a person that has handled a dog with parvo carry parvo to another dog?

If by without parvo you mean a dog that doesn't have the virus at all, then no. HOWEVER, a dog or cat can have parvovirus without showing any signs or symptoms. This animal is a carrier, even though it doesn't seem like it has parvo.

What are the symptoms of parvo virus?

Fever, depression, lethargy, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite. Parvo strikes very fast. If you have a puppy or dog with the above symptoms, it is a medical emergency. Parvo can kill in 24-72 hours. If you are human your cheeks go bright red.

Can cats get parvo from other cats?

They can get a form of feline Parvo called Panleukopenia Virus. It's alot like the dog's parvo virus but only cats can get it. we had an out break of it when we rescued a new litter of kittens, all of the kittens died because they were unvaccinated, we have 4 older cats who were vaccinated & they are just fine it didnt effect them. Its spread through sharing living area's & eating out of the same bowl, as well as drinking out of the same water dish as an infected cat. Areas infected with feline panleukopenia need to be disinfected with a bleach solution. There is also treatment available. Prevention through routine vaccination is extremely effective.

Can a virus kill you?

Yes a virus can kill you, as you know virus there is no antibiotic to kill the virus. There are diseases such as viral meningitis, where its meningitis in a virus form where it can kill one very quickly. It all depends on the virus and the severity of it.

Can neem tree leafs kill HIV virus?

No, they can not kill the HIV virus.

Can you get another dog if your previous dog died from parvo in the backyard?

Yes, but if you have an unvaccinated young puppy, you will risk having it die of parvo too. Parvo - short for parvovirus - is a nasty viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract. In young puppies, it can cause death within a few days from dehydration and toxic shock. The vaccine against it is very effective and is recommended for all dogs, with a three-shot inital series and a yearly booster thereafter. A puppy is not considered completely vaccinated until two weeks after the third shot in the original series. The virus itself is very hardy and can survive in a kennel or house for years. Cleaning with bleach water (then rinse thoroughly) then with soap and water (then rinse thoroughly) then with an all-purpose sanitizer like Lysol or Pine-Sol (then rinse thoroughly) will get the virus load down, but probably not kill all of it.

Is there any way you can help a blue nose pitbull puppy out of parvo?

A puppy of ANY breed of dog that is suspected to have Parvovirus needs immediate vet care. Parvo can kill a puppy within hours.

How do you kill virus's?

Solution 70% ethanol 30%water in a lab. Soap and water at home. Wash your hands.

Will pepto help with parvo?

No, and it is not good to give animals medication designed for humans without vet guidance. Many human medications can kill an animal. Parvo does not just cause stomach issues. It can attack their heart and immune systems. If a dog has parvo, it is very important to get them to a vet ASAP. This is a disease that can quickly kill an animal. They will need aggressive treatment for about a week, including IVs and a variety of medications.

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Kill the virus. Whatever the virus may be.

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Nothing can kill the Grimace.