The senior-level salary of a veterinarian can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, type of practice (private clinic, research, teaching, etc.), and years of experience. On average, in the United States, a senior-level veterinarian can earn between $100,000 to $150,000 per year, with some experienced veterinarians in specialized fields (e.g., surgery, cardiology, or dermatology) or those who own their own practices earning even higher salaries, sometimes exceeding $200,000 annually.
In other countries, the salary may differ. For example, in Canada, senior veterinarians typically earn between CAD 90,000 to CAD 130,000 annually. In the UK, experienced veterinarians can earn around £40,000 to £60,000 or more depending on their expertise and location.
Salaries are also influenced by the demand for veterinarians, regional cost of living, and whether they work in urban or rural areas.
Veterinarian salaries in Pittsburgh vary based on a number of factors, including level of experience and type of veterinarian. The average annual salary is about $105,260, and the range is from about $69,590 to $147,960 for more senior positions.
Veterinarian salaries in Pittsburgh vary based on a number of factors, including level of experience and type of veterinarian. The average annual salary is about $105,260, and the range is from about $69,590 to $147,960 for more senior positions.
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The average salary can fluctuate depending on specialization and the type of facility in which the veterinarian is working. However, in most cases a first year veterinarian can expect to make $60,000.
The amount of the hourly salary of a veterinarian assistant in the state of New Jersey will vary depending on the level of experience. Typically, assistants start out at $12.50 an hour on average.
The average salary of a senior town planner can vary depending on factors such as location and experience. However, in the United States, the average salary for a senior town planner is around $81,000 per year.