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Safe-Guard makes dewormer salt licks to combat various parasites that infect cattle. Bovatec makes salt licks with lasalocid sodium for the purpose of helping increase the rate of gain for pasture stocker/slaughter/feeder/replacement cattle. These two brands are the only known "medicated" salt blocks that is made for livestock; all other salt blocks are not medicated and are primarily of trace mineral, iodine, cobalt and iodine or iron, cobalt and iodine. None of these other blocks are termed "medicated."

Also, there is no known company that makes salt blocks with ephedrine or any other drug other than the dewormer medicine made by Safe-Guard and increase ADG by Bovatec.

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Related questions

Why are medicated salt licks with ephedrine used on lamas?

They are not and never have been. Ephedrine is not found in medicated salt blocks.

What is in the white medicated licks for cattle?

NaCl. That's it: just plain table salt. And there really is no such thing as a "medicated" salt block.

What medicated salt licks has ephedrine in it?

None. No such salt block or loose mineral mix exists.

Where can you get ephedrine and medicated salt licks near Austin?

Nowhere. These type of blocks do not exist.

What states can consumers purchase medicated salt licks with ephedrine?

None because no such block exists.

How are medicated salt licks made?

Blocks by Bovatec and Safe-Guard are a dark smoky-brownish colour.

What does salt licks mean?

Salt licks are a block made of salt usually used for horses and livestock.

Are salt licks okay for colts?

Yes! Salt licks are ok for horses of all ages.

Are salt licks poisonous to moles?

Salt licks are made available for cattle that may be deficient in salt. Most animals do not eat salt unless they need it. Salt licks would not be poisonous to moles - unless that was the only thing they could get with water.

Where can you purchase a medicated salt block?

You can purchase a medicated salt block at your local farm and ranch supply store. Tack and feed stores will also sell them.

How do you put love-licks in your rabbits cages?

Not sure what love licks are but if they are like salt licks they have a hole in the center. There are metal hangers made to hold salt spools. Check in the Bass Equipment catalogue on line.

What are some of hematite uses?

table salt and salt licks for cattle food