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Microbial fertilizer refers to the specific products containing the active micro-organisms. The main advantage of microbial fertilizers to improve soil, do not pollute the environment, non-toxic side effects, the production of 'green' is an ideal fertilizer.

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Q: What is the microbial fertilizer?
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How do organic and inorganic fertilizers affect soil?

The fertilizer stimulates the microbial growth which further alters the structure of soil microbial community and increases enzyme activity. Bacterial growth is particularly influenced by the type of fertilizer supplied while fungal growth only responds to the amount of fertilizer provided.

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Examples of hypotheses related to the use of fertilizers could include: "Increasing the application of nitrogen-based fertilizer will lead to higher crop yields." or "Using organic fertilizer will improve soil health and increase microbial activity."

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Long term experimental analysis of Biomass Nitrogen, Carbon, Phoshorus and Potassium alongwith the physico-chemical analysis of the soil.

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Institute of Microbial Technology was created in 1984.

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Why does sterilization necessary in clinical life?

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