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Depends on how long the needle is and how big the syringe is. Or, if you're asking about the length of time a subQ injection takes, it only takes a few seconds, less if there's not much to inject.

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Q: What is the length of a subcutaneous injection?
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A subcutaneous injection is also known as a subQ or SC injection.

What is the difference between a Subcutaneous injection and a intradermal injection?

Subcutaneous injection can be given below the skin.. Intradermal injection can be given in-between the skin and base of the hair

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Subcutaneous Injection.....other sites for subcutaneous injections could be the fat of the arms, thighs, and hip regions.

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What is the medical term meaning drugs injected under the skin?

An intradermal injection is made into the middle layers of the skin.

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I don't believe there is a medication that is most commonly given in a subcutaneous injection. There are a lot of medications given this way.

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The muscles

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all the vaccines

Where is a subcutaneous injection SC injected?

Under the skin

Where do you give a sub q injection?

Subcutaneous (subQ) injections are typically given in the fatty tissue layer between the skin and the muscle, usually in the abdomen, thigh, or upper outer arm. Make sure to rotate injection sites to prevent irritation or tissue damage.