A veterinarian in private practice will impact primarily his/her clients and the families of those clients. However, a veterinarian in public practice (military, federal regulatory, etc.) will impact the general public.
Veterinarians improve the lives of animals and humans by preventing and treating diseases. They also keep humans from getting sick from their animals, for example, by preventing the spread of rabies through dog vaccinations. Veterinarians are deeply imbedded in the food production industry and work to keep the food supply safe and secure. They also work to investigate and prevent disease outbreaks around the world.
A doctor that treats animals is called a veterinarian.
we would all die ha ha ha ha stop
Vegetarian rhymes with veterinarian.
veterinarian is not well respected among doctors. But a veterinarian knows animal's value.
"Veterinarian" is the original, and more proper, term; "vet" is an abbreviation of veterinarian.
"[v]et" is an abbreviation for "veterinarian" so, yes, you must be a veterinarian to be a vet.
the math classes you have to take to be veterinarian is the number of classes you have to take to be a veterinarian.
No - a veterinarian is a veterinarian regardless of the school they trained at. The pay rate is mostly dependent upon the type of practice, the experience and competence of the veterinarian and the geographic location where the veterinarian is working at.
A veterinarian cares for animals in the society.
You are called an Alpha Veterinarian.
Anyone can if he or she has a veterinarian degree
The very first veterinarian in Hawaii was Doctor McCoy. He was the very first veterinarian in Hawaii.