Prevalence = Number of existing cases on a specific date ÷ Number of people in the population on this date.
My question is as follow: The Prevalence of a recessive gene is 1:40000. What is the formula to calculate the Prevalence of that gene in a community?.Thanks.
True Cases divided by the total Number in the population.
The prevalence of obesity in the United States has been steadily increasing over the past decade.
onset /prevalence/
Another word for prevalence is widespread.
The HIV prevalence in adults is about 14.3%
Tirbani P. Jagdeo has written: 'Contraceptive prevalence in Antigua (IPPF/WHR Caribbean contraceptive prevalence surveys)' 'Ippf-Whr Caribbean Contraceptive Prevalence Survey-3' 'Contraceptive prevalence in Grenada' -- subject(s): Birth control, Contraception 'Contraceptive prevalence in Dominica (IPPF/WHR Caribbean contraceptive prevalence surveys)' 'Teenage pregnancy in the Caribbean' -- subject(s): Birth control, Teenage mothers, Teenage pregnancy 'Contraceptive prevalence in St. Kitts-Nevis (IPPF/WHR Caribbean Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys)'
Prevalence is the number of cases for a specific disease in a sample of 100 000 people.
In recent years there has been an emerging prevalence of students who get their sentences from the Internet.
Prevalence of what? Or is your question, what is the prevalence of developmental disabilities? The answer to the second question is roughly 10% of the United States has one form or another of a developmental disability.
what is the prevalence of Hebatitis A virus in Egypt for children under 5 years old
He got prevalence in the society during the dark period.His prevalence is growing by day and night.