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A material said to be absorbent indicates its ability to carry a certain amount of liquid in its interstice, or little chamber like in a sponge. In the case of a textile fabric, the yarn itself can act like a mini sponge. Also the space between the yarns can be sufficiently tight to trap water and immobilize it due to the surface tension of the water. Yarns of fabric can be made to create additional "traps" for water by brushing.

Now, what about adsorption, with a "d"? The word adsorption was introduced to illustrate the concept of ''chemical absorption'' which occurs when a substance is caught either in nanopores or to the surface of a substrate by low energy (Van der Waal Forces). This is the principle used for activated carbon filter where billions of tiny pores will clean contaminants from a passing fluid. These contaminants can be extracted fairly easily by a steam process. The more one tries to explain the difference between absorption and adsorption, the more it appears that both concepts are in fact very similar. The main difference is that adsorption refers to trapping substances on a nanometric scale (1X10-9).

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Q: What is the difference between an adsorbent and an absorbent?
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What is the difference between adsorbent and adsorbate?

An adsorbent is the substance that adsorbs molecules on its surface, while an adsorbate is the molecules or atoms that are adsorbed onto the surface of the adsorbent. Essentially, the adsorbent is the material that does the adsorbing, while the adsorbate is the material that gets adsorbed.

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Absorbent cotton is untreated cotton that can soak up liquids and is often used in wound care or hygiene products. Non-absorbent cotton has been treated with a hydrophobic material to repel liquids and is typically used in applications where absorption is not desired, like in cosmetic applications or oil cleanup.

How do you activate eggshell as adsorbent?

To activate eggshells as an adsorbent, you can start by washing and drying them thoroughly. Then, grind the eggshells into a powder using a blender or mortar and pestle. Next, heat the powdered eggshells in an oven at a temperature of around 350°F (177°C) for about 30 minutes. This process helps to activate the adsorbent properties of the eggshells and make them more effective in adsorbing substances.

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Transparent refers to materials that allow light to pass through without scattering, such as glass or water. Absorbent refers to materials that soak up liquids or gases, like a sponge absorbing water. Transparent materials transmit light, while absorbent materials take in liquids or gases.

What is a biosorbent?

A biosorbent is a biological adsorbent.

What property is common between the sponge and cotton?

Sponge and cotton are absorbent.

What part of speech is the word absorbent?

The word "absorbent" is an adjective.

Which is better adsorbent ricehusk or sawdust?

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Is linen absorbent?

yes it is absorbent :)

Factors influencing on sorption?

Factors influencing sorption include the properties of the sorbate (such as size, charge, and chemical structure), the properties of the sorbent (such as surface area and composition), the environmental conditions (such as pH, temperature, and presence of competing ions), and the contact time between the sorbate and sorbent. These factors collectively determine the extent and rate of sorption processes in different systems.