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It depends on what the exact circumstances are that he acronym is being used in. In relation to veterinary medicine, AVMA stands for the American Veterinary Medical Association.

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What does the acronym AVMA stand for?

The acronym AVMA stands for the American Veterinary Medical Association. All licensed veterinarians in the USA must belong to the AVMA. Before having a pet examined by a veterinarian, one should check to be sure that this individual belongs to the AVMA.

Are their any AVMA vet technician jobs available in my area?

Without knowing what area you live in I am unable to say if there are any AVMA vet technician jobs available local to you. An AVMA is the shortened version of American Vetrinary Medical Association.

Does a veterinarian in the us have to be certified by the avma?

The AVMA is not a credentialing body for veterinarians. It is a professional association. Veterinarians in the US are licensed in the state that they are working in by a state government agency.

What colleges meet accreditation standards set by the council on education of the american veterinary medical association avma?

The list of accredited colleges can change, so it is best to go directly to the AVMA website and check the list there. The AVMA, as the accrediting body, keeps a continually updated list.

Is there a veterinary award?

Yes, there is. Some of the Veterinary achievement awards are: AVMA Advocacy Award AVMA Animal Welfare Award AVMA Award AVMA Humane Award AVMA Lifetime Excellence in Research Award AVMA Practitioner Research Award AVMF/AKC Career Achievement Award in Canine Research AVMF/Winn Feline Foundation Research Award Bustad Companion Animal Veterinarian of the Year Award Charles River Prize Meritorious Service Award Public Service Award Royal Canin Award XIIth International Veterinary Congress Prize Karl F. Meyer-James H. Steele Gold Headed Cane Award

Is there a list of colleges you can go to become a vet?

Yes, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) maintains a list of accredited schools of veterinary medicine (avma dot org).

How many avma accrediated vet tech programs in America?

There are over 100 different colleges across the country with AVMA CVTEA (Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities) accreditation. A complete and current list can be found by entering "AVMA CVTEA" into your favorite search engine - the list is updated regularly.

What school teaches technicians?

There are more than 200 schools in the US that offer American Veterinary Medical Assoc. accredited veterinary technology programs. There are, of course, programs that are not AVMA accredited, however they will not meet the requirements for being credentialed as a veterinary technician so selecting from the list of AVMA accredited programs is important. To find an up to date list of AVMA accredited programs, go to the AVMA website and look under "education".

What school teach veterinary technician?

There are more than 200 schools in the US that offer American Veterinary Medical Assoc. accredited veterinary technology programs. There are, of course, programs that are not AVMA accredited, however they will not meet the requirements for being credentialed as a veterinary technician so selecting from the list of AVMA accredited programs is important. To find an up to date list of AVMA accredited programs, go to the AVMA website and look under "education".

In veterinary medicine a policy statement issued by the AVMA represents what?

When the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) issues a policy statement, this is the consensus statement reflecting the current best practices and medical advice. The AVMA tends to limit policy statements to very general topics, such as the acceptable methods of euthanasia for various animals - the AVMA doesn't issue recommendations regarding what vaccines your pet should receive (except for rabies vaccination for all mammalian pets).

What is the policy statement issued by the avma?

consensus of an opinion on a specific topic.

Are there any avma schools in el paso Texas or in las cruses New Mexico?

There are no AVMA accredited veterinary medical or veterinary technical schools in El Paso, TX or Las Cruces, NM