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In the United States, the title of a veterinary degree is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Veterinary Medical Doctor (VMD).

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Q: What is a regular veterinarian degree?
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What degree does a veterinarian get?

A veterinarian gets a D.V.M. degree (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

What gender can work at veterinarian?

Anyone can if he or she has a veterinarian degree

What's the education of veterinarian techincain?

In order to be a veterinarian you have to get your college degree.If you dont get a college degree you cant be a veterinarian. SO GET YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many years of schooling do Veterinarians have before beginning practice?

The standard Veterinarian degree requires 4 years of regular school and 4 years of Veterinarian school to practice. Some may begin interning or assisting after 2 years of veterinarian school.

What is the salary of a veterinarian with a bachelor's degree?

Within the US there is not such thing as a veterinarian with just a bachelor's degree. A veterinarian must have a doctorate in veterinary medicine.

How much do a veterinarian makes with a bachelor's degree?

In most places, a veterinarian needs a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) degree. Also, the pay for a veterinarian varies from place to place.

What is a VDM?

VDM is a Veterinarian Degree of Medicine. It is a degree that veterinarians get in college

Does a veterinarian need a PhD or a MD?

Nope - the DVM/VMD degree (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or Veterinary Medical Doctor) is the only degree needed to be a veterinarian.

What do you call a wildlife veterinarian's major?

In the United States, the degree major for vet students is Veterinary Medicine. There is no separate degree for a veterinarian interested in wildlife medicine.

What were the requirements to get a job as a veterinarian 15 years ago?

The job requirements to become a veterinarian 15 years ago were a bachelors degree then DVM degree from veterinary school.

Is an associate's degree required to be a veterinarian?

A veterinarian has a Doctorate's Degree in Veterinarian Medicine. That requires 3 to 4 years of school after a Bachelor's Degree. Entrance into vet school is one of the most competitive graduate schools to get into. Many that fail to get into vet school go to med school instead!

What collage degree does a Veterinarian need?

A Vet usually requires a Doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine.