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The admission guidelines at the 28 schools in the United States that are accredited to teach veterinarian medicine are different for each school, so you should definitely look at these exact admission requirements of the veterinary school you plan to matriculate into.

However, most of your curriculum is going to be in the sciences with an emphasis on Biology.

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Q: What college major should I take as an undergraduate in order to become a veterinarian?
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yes you do you should start learning very young if you want to become a veterinarian you should star around grade 4 yes you do you should start learning very young if you want to become a veterinarian you should star around grade 4

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What preparations in high school do you need to become a large animal veterinarian?

In the United States, your primary focus in high school should be on taking the most advanced math and science courses that you can. If possible, you should take biology, chemistry, physics and pre-calculus in high school. This will help you prepare for undergraduate college work, which will include inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biology, microbiology, genetics, calculus I, calculus II and statistics.

What should you study in high school if you plan to become a veterinarian?

In high school you should focus on taking the most advanced science and math classes you can handle - Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are all good choices. This will help prepare you for undergraduate college where you will take courses like Physics I and II, Calculus I and II, Microbiology, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Once you have the foundation in place, you go on to vet school.

What tips would you have for someone who wants to become a veterinarian?

To prepare to become a veterinarian, you can research it on the internet. You can look through books, magazines, watch videos on YouTube, etc. It's a great idea to start learning now because when you go to vet school you'll be ahead.

What type of things do you need at your age to prepare you to become a veterinarian?

This will depend upon what age you are, and where you are at in your educational career. If you are younger than 18 in the United States, you need to focus on graduating from high school with good grades and some experience both shadowing or working for a veterinarian and some experience working with animals. You are aiming to be accepted to a college to complete your undergraduate pre-requisite courses so that you can apply to vet school. If you are in undergraduate college now, you need to focus on completing the pre-requisite courses with a good GPA (anything less than 3.25 out of 4.0 is considered dicey for acceptance), getting a wide range of experience both with veterinarians and with animals in general, and getting a good score on your GRE or MCAT. At the end of your junior year you should focus on applying to vet school through VMCAS. If you are in vet school, simply buckle down and focus on your studies to complete the curriculum. If you don't fall into one of the above three categories, you will need to work on getting into an undergraduate college and then start working from there.

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After high school, 4 years of undergraduate college, followed by 5-6 years of graduate college, followed by 2-3 years of post-graduate research. Sometimes you can skip the post-graduate. --> you should be 27 or 28 by the time you finish graduate college.

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What high school classes should you take that will help you prepare to become a veterinarian?

English, math and science.

What classes do you need to take in high school to be a equine veterinarian?

In undergraduate college, you should focus on taking science and math classes, as well as a broad selection of gen-ed classes. This will help you get into vet school - in the United States of America, having a strong science background in undergraduate is a prerequisite of applying for vet school. In vet school, you can and should take as many equine-focused electives as you can, or you can sign up for the equine track (in the vet schools that track).