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Usually, a little bit of horse wormer won't hurt your dog.If your dog consumes a lot though you can give it a few CCs (according to dog's size) of hydrogen peroxide to make it throw up and it should be okay. (that is, if it didn't already throw it up.)

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If you're using a paste wormer, the first thing you'll need to do is adjust the knob on the syringe to your horse's weight. Every horse acts differently, but most horses aren't too fond of worming, so it would be best to halter you horse while you worm him. Once your horse and wormer are ready all you have to do is slide the syringe into his mouth from the side into the groove the bit would rest in, and squeeze the syringe until he has his full dose in his mouth. Don't let him put his head down right away though or he won't swallow it. Either hold his head up for a minute, or as i like to do, give him slices of an apple to make sure he gets it all down.

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Q: What can you do if your dog gets horse wormer?
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What can you do when horse wormer is in your dogs blood?

Take your dog to the vet!

Is anybody using horse dewormer for their dog because its cheaper and effective?

I certainly hope not. Horses are so much larger than even the biggest breed of dog. Horse wormer could kill a dog. I'm not sure about the 'cheaper' part either. Horse dewormer is expensive, possibly more so than dog wormer. Always consult your vet when it comes to the health of your pets, whether it be horse or dog. Wormer is medicine and when given incorrectly can be a disaster for the animal.

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Can you use equimax horse wormer on a goat?

You can definitely use Equimax horse wormer on a goat. When using the wormer, you just need to make sure to use the correct dosage depending upon the weight of your goat.

How do i know what kind of dog wormer to my dog?

You go and ask a vet.

How often do you give a dog triple wormer?


How effective are dog wormer products?

Dog wormer products are effective in keeping your pet healthy by eliminating hookworms, roundworms, heartworms and tapeworms in dogs. However, different products may have different effectiveness depending on quality of the de-wormer used.

How much paste ivermectin horse wormer dose for a dog?

Paste dewormers designed for horses should not be utilized in dogs, due to the risk of overdosing and causing serious injury or death.

How do you give your horse a monthly wormer?

Simply halter your horse, take the cap off of the wormer tube, and stick it into its mouth (make sure you raise your horses head up so they don't spit it out, and keep it up untill you think they have swallowed it) and wala you have a wormed horse!

How much valbazin wormer do you give 35 pound dog?

1cc per 7 pounds of dog.

In National Lampoon's Animal House what is needed to get the horse out of Dean Wormer's office?


Can you put wormer in the dog food so the puppies won't die?
