Symptoms of mild nerve agent poisoning may include excessive salivation, runny nose, and pinpoint pupils. It is essential to quickly identify and treat these symptoms to prevent further exposure and harm.
Sudden drooling
Sudden Drooling
sudden drooling
Sudden drooling
Mild symptoms include tightness in the chest, runny nose, shortness of breath, or dizziness
Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.
Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.
Sudden Drooling
Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.
Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.