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While proin may help dogs with urine incontinence, proin has known effects of making dogs succumb to stokes. The symptoms and side effects are less likely to happen to healthy dogs but caution is still advised.

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Q: What are the risks of proin for dogs?
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Related questions

What is the drug Proin used for in dogs?

Proin is a prescription drug used on dogs that prevents (Or at least, helps to prevent) urinary incontinence. It is available at 25mg, 50mg and 75mg. It also sustains Phenylpropanolamine levels in the blood stream of the dog.

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yes it is proin

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Kuru is neither a virus or a bacteria but rather a proin.

How long does it take proin to work?

You should start to see results within 2-3 days. An increase or decrease in dosage may be appropriate if the dog develops an adverse reaction and/or if the dogs incontinence problems persist. Do not alter the dosage with consulting a vet first.

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Sometimes the dogs could be aggresive and if the dogs get hurt or loose then you are responsible for it. or u can step in their doodoo

What can you do to treat your older dogs incontinence Proin does not work?

Your dog could be a diabetic. Please consult with a vet for professional advise. You might also find it helpful to use the canine diabetes free help website, further down this page, listed under "Related Links."

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Dogs do not eat bats. Bats are wild animals and not a suitable food for domesticated dogs. It is important to keep dogs away from bats to prevent any potential health risks.

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Well, proin to induced swelling and too much liquid, you would die unless u get medical help immediately

Can you feed dogs raw kidney?

Yes, it very, very rarely causes any health risks. Many veterinarians recommend it.