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i think it is for the chewing of food

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Q: Premolars and molars are used for?
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What is the difference between molars and premolars?

Premolars are similar to molars but differ in function. Molars only grind whereas premolars hold and grind your food. Anatomically they are different as well. Premolars have 3 cusps where molars have 4 or 5. Premolars have two roots where molars can have 2 or 3. Premolars are succedaneous where molars are non-succedaneous. Hope that helps.

What artist first distinguished molars and premolars?

What artist first distinguished molars from premolars

What are the four types of teeth found in humans?

There are premolars, molars, incisors and canines.

What are the function of the premolars and molars?

premolars are for separating the food further so that the molars can chew it down even more

How many molars should a 2 yr old have?

A two year old child has four molars on each jaw which are located at the site of premolars There are no premolars in a human child. The dental formula formula is 2120 there are no premolars the molars are in the premolars category

What purpose do premolars serve in mammals?

Premolars and Molars are used for grinding, crushing, and chewing. They help break down pieces of foood.

What is the job of the premolars and molars?

Molars are teeth with broad surfaces, at the back of the mouth that serve to grind food. Premolars are 'transitional teeth,' during chewing, food can be transferred from the canines to the premolars and finally to the molars for grinding, instead of directly from the canines to the molars.

Will premolars grow again?

NO. Premolars and molars are 2 distinct types of teeth. The suffix pre- is intended to denote that they are positioned before the molars. It is not intended to mean that they later turn into molars.

What is a nonsuccedanous tooth?

Molars are not nonsuccedanous teeth because the premolars replace the primary molars.

What do the premolars do?

Premolars are transitional teeth located between the canines and molars. They are important for chewing and grinding food, as they have a flatter chewing surface compared to the pointed canines and the larger, broader molars. Premolars help to assist with breaking down food into smaller pieces before it is swallowed.

What type of teeth do cape buffalos have?

Cape buffalos have molars, premolars, canines, and incisors. Their molars and premolars are used for grinding tough grasses and plants, while their canines and incisors are mainly used for defense.

Where are the molars located?

Molars are located at the back of the mouth, behind the premolars. They are used for grinding and chewing food. Adults typically have 12 molars, with three molars in each quadrant of the mouth.