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Stannous flouride - the cavity fighter found in toothpaste, is made from recycled tin.

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Q: Is stannous flouride found in tooth paste?
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What is stannous flouride?

Stannous fluoride is a type of fluoride commonly used in toothpaste and mouthwash to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel. It works by reducing the amount of acid produced by bacteria in the mouth, which helps protect teeth from cavities and other dental problems.

What is in stannous flouride?

Stannous fluoride is a compound that contains the element tin. It is used in some toothpaste formulations as a source of fluoride, which helps to prevent tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel.

What is added to your drinking water and tooth paste for preventing tooth decay?

Fluorides of sodium and potassium, stannous fluoride, etc.

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Is tooth paste acidic?

tooth paste is alkaline

Why do they call tooth paste tooth paste?

It is called tooth paste because the paste is for cleaning you teeth for example it can protect your teeth from cavities or gum pain also can whiten you teeth with special tooth paste products and you brush it on to your teeth TOOTH-PASTE.

What chemical is added to water to protect teeth?

Fluoride is added to water to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel. It helps to reduce the risk of cavities and promote oral health.

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Does using tooth paste to fix a scratched game really work?

tooth paste? are you kidding? you cant fix a game with tooth paste

Which chemical is added to water for prevention of tooth decay?

Fluoride is typically added to water to help prevent tooth decay. It strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the risk of cavities.

What cleans teeth better baking soda or tooth paste?

Tooth paste

Which one is better stannous fluoride or sodium fluoride?

Both stannous fluoride and sodium fluoride are effective in preventing tooth decay and strengthening enamel. Stannous fluoride offers additional benefits such as reducing gum inflammation and sensitivity. The choice between the two may depend on individual preferences and specific dental needs.