Salt is generally bad for birds, it can cause dehydration and high blood pressure. Even small doses of salt can cause a lot of damage.
no never parakeets are awesome
Yes, parakeets can eat walnuts.Make sure they are unsalted walnuts though, because salt is not part of a parakeet's natural diet and can be harmful.
They'll live forever unless you are a bad person.
Salt never goes bad.
Passing salt was not bad luck. Spilling salt was bad luck because in Roman days, salt was very expensive.
They make good pets, but hamsters are more fun (IMO)
salt is bad for health because the cell shrinks when the salt goes into the cell
The possessive form of the plural noun parakeets is parakeets'.Example: The parakeets' cages are cleaned daily.
I don't have anything special in my cage all I have are toys water food and a mineral/salt block.
No, salt does not go bad after the expiration date. Salt is a mineral that does not spoil or expire.
Salt is affecting kid because if bad for your heart kidneys and wastlines.