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The shrub, Loropetalum is not toxic to pets. The shrub is an ornamental evergreen shrub that produces blooms in a variety of colors.

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Q: Is loropetalum toxic to pets
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Is loropetalum shrubs toxic to dogs?

If it's badly toxic, then my dogs should be dead. They eat it constantly, and particularly love it when the loropetalum (Chinese Fringe Tree/Bush) has new red growth at the end of the branches. The poor things never get a chance to bloom any more. Unfortunately, that new growth also causes the dog poop to turn stripy orange. Since it's a form of witch hazel, I understand it has aspirin qualities ... so I suppose it's possible it could cause a little stomach upset. One of my dogs always has an upset stomach, but then she's a vacuum cleaner - she eats anything and everything, constantly. OCD, I'm afraid.

Are there any stainless steel cleaners that are non-toxic for pets?

Yes, there are some stainless steel cleaners that are non-toxic for pets. Look for products that are labeled as safe for pets and free of harsh chemicals, fragrances, and dyes. Additionally, you can also consider using natural alternatives like vinegar and water to clean stainless steel surfaces.

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