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No. Lobsters are arthropods, mussels are molluscs. They're not even in the same phylum, let alone the same family.

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No, it is a crustacean (phylum Arthropoda). Mollusks (phylum Mollusca) include shellfish, octopi, squids, snails, and slugs.

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Q: Is lobster a member of the mussel family?
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Does a seal eat a lobster or a mussel?

Yes, Crustaceans are a part of a Seal's diet.

What phylum does the mussel belong to?

Yes mussels and snails are in the same family.

What is a member of pelecypoda?

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A freshwater mussel is also called a unionid mussel or naiad.

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A very specific character on the show "Family Guy" sang the song "Rock Lobster". The name of the "Family Guy" character who sang the song "Rock Lobster" on the show is Peter Griffin.


Yes, they can bite as well as pinch w/ their claws. Some lobster species can easily bite the tip of your finger off. This has happened to a few people. If you search for pictures of lobster bites you can see this. Their mouths are designed to be able to crush mussel shells so they can eat the meat inside.

Are sea otters a part of the mussel family?

The sea otter is the largest member of the Mustelidae, or weasel family, and the only one which lives almost entirely in the water.Mussels or mollusks live with a soft body inside a hard shell, like you might find empty on the beach. Otters have fur, and are mammals.

What is a bearded mussel?

A bearded mussel is a mussel found off the coasts of Britain, Latin name Modiolus barbatus, also known as the horse mussel or the horse-bearded mussel.

What classification the lobster and spiders belong are they classified as a family?

They both belong to the Arachnids family.

What family is a mussel in?

Zebra mussels belong to the family Dreissenidae. These are freshwater bivalve mollusks. Despite their name, zebra mussels are not true mussels.