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There are many different types of employees in a veterinary practice. Veterinarians have veterinary assistants and veterinary technicians who aid in providing health care for patients, receptionists who answer phone calls, schedule appointment, process payments and greet clients when they arrive with their pets, kennel attendants who maintain clean facilities in animal boarding or housing areas and provide general animal care for animals who are not under medical care and possibly even groomers if they provide grooming services in their facilities.

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No. But my father is a teacher

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Q: Is Anyone here a vet
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If your here reading this and not taking your dog to the vet, it may be too late for your dog. GO TO THE VET!!!

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How much can a vet out of collage make at a vet hospitall?

Depends on your location. For Jobs in the US you can research it here. The average salary is around $62000. Depends on your experience and location.