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If the dog is healthy and fit, he should be checked by a vet at least once a year. This is necessary an annual health check and to keep his vaccinations up to date. If vaccinations are not renewed, they will expire and the dog is not protected any more.

Some inocculations are to be renewed biannually, but basic vaccinations have to be refreshed annually.

Remember, you protect with an up-to-date vaccination status not only your dog, but also yourself and your familly from nasty Infectious Diseases.

Parasite control should be done every 3-4 months with effective de-wormers/de-flea-drugs, preferably prescribed by your vet to achieve best results with the correct dosage for your dog.

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8y ago
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11y ago

At a minimum, you should take a puppy to the vet at 8, 12 and 16 weeks old, then at least once a year until the dog is 7. After this, one visit every 6 months to watch for any signs of cancer or organ failure is a good idea.

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14y ago

This is a wide-open question, having multiple variables. It depends on where you live, what kind of practice the veterinarian has (large animal, small animal, many variations on that theme and their comfort zone), the reason/complexity for/of the visit, the age of the patient, the value of your time, the distance you drive, how experienced your veterinarian is, and how well you desire to maintain the health of your pet. You can call the local veterinarian offices and price office calls, inoculation cost, and other common expenses. Kind of like finding a doctor for yourself, talk to other people who have similar pets and/or similar problems with their pets, and based on your comfort with them make a decision. Most often they also accept insurance which may be purchased and will greatly decrease out-of-pocket expense much like a dental plan would for routine maintenance of your dental health. If you have a relationship with the veterinarian, have been a long-time customer, take care of something for them, all bets are off, they are human, usually they have big hearts and will report by law obvious signs of abuse much like a physician would for child abuse. In some communities you can get in trouble for not getting routine evaluations and inoculations and that can become a cause for a diagnosis of abuse and can cost not only loss of your pet, but even possibly jail time. Most localities have laws concerning regular inoculations for rabies, and suggestions for distemper and other forms of common viruses that will adversely affect your pets health or possibly your health.

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16y ago

A biyearly well dog checkup is advised. Cost can vary from 25.00 to 75.00. Some places can be higher priced.

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11y ago

You should take your dog to the vet about once a year. You should take your dog to the vet right away if you see any problems.

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10y ago

This will vary depending upon where you are at, your dog's age and health status, and what preventive and diagnostic care your dog needs at the time of the visit.

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11y ago

twice a year

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