A cow's tongue weighs around four pounds or around two kilograms. Actual size and weight depends on the size and age of the cow (or "cow") in question. For example, a calf's tongue weighs less than a mature cow's tongue.
None of the above. Cow's tongue is just known as cow's tongue.
A COW'S TONGUE? oh how smart you are. you dont even know what a cows tongue is? . .. ... .... ..... ...... ........ that would be a tongue
The average cost for a cow in Africa is typically between $325 and $500. The cost will depend on the specifics of the cow, as well as location.
The cost of a cow was 17 shillings in the 1700s. It was dependent upon the size and breed of cow.
about $1,000
30 buks
Experts show that the Kobe cow will be 420$ per ounce.
How much it costs to import a cow from Denmark will depend on the size and quality of the cow. Cows can typically cost up to $1.25 per pound plus any service fees.