It takes 4 years (in addition to typically 4 years of undergraduate schooling) to earn your DVM. At that point to can start working, do an internship (typically for 1-2 years) or do a residency. By doing a residency you can become 'Board Certified' in a specialty (like surgery, internal medicine, oncology, etc). Residencies are anywhere from 3-6 years after the 4 years of undergrad and the 4 years of Vet School, typically with a year of internship between vet school and residency. So it can be as much as 14 or as little as 7-8 years after high-school. When you graduate from standard vet school (with your DVM - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) you can work on any animal, but most people stick to a few species (like small animal, equine food animal or research/government). DVM salaries range from around $50k to $120k and varies by area and type of work.
A veterinarian must have a DVM or VMD degree; to be accepted into vet school requires 3-4 years of undergraduate college.
you need forty two years of school.
Not necessarily, although most veterinarians have a high school diploma. If you don't have a high school diploma, you will need to get a GED, as this is required by most colleges prior to admission.
3 years
u need 5 years
2 years
12 years including college.
Typically, it is eight years beyond high school graduation.
Veterinarians must be taught and trained at an accredited school of veterinary medicine; there are many of these around in the world in almost every country. Generally vet school is a graduate degree program that requires students to have completed some amount of undergraduate college work prior to admission.
A phramacologist has to do 6 years of school 4 years of undergraduate and 2 years of pharmacology school
about 8 years!