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Due to the high incidence of parasitism in puppies and the risks posed to humans by hookworms and roundworms, the Center for Disease Control recommends that puppies be started on a preventative deworming schedule at 2 weeks of age and continued every 2 weeks until they are at least 8 weeks of age. Some veterinarians recommend continuing this deworming program until a pup is 12 weeks of age or is started on a monthly heartworm preventative that also treats hookworms and roundworms. For puppies who have not been dewormed regularly starting from 2 weeks of age, fecal examination to determine their infection status and then appropriate deworming treatments should be performed. Your veterinarian is he best source of information on deworming your puppies and should always be involved in setting up a deworming program.

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Q: How many times do you deworm your puppy?
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Do you have to give a puppy their vaccination before you deworm?

No, you don't have to but it is better to give your puppies shots as soon as they are ready. If you don't give your puppies their shots they can get many different illnesses and die

Why do your puppy keep having worms every month?

Deworm the dog and make sure he/she does not eat anything from outside or any table food.

How many times a daydo you feed a puppy?

2-3 times

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well it deepens what kind of breed is it. and about kinda 6 or 7 times bundle with your puppy

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As much as they can

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2 times at 3am and 11pm

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Let your puppy drink as often as it wants to, it's not going to drink for the sake of it - the puppy will drink because it needs to.

On Howrse how do you deworm your horses?

at the store, you have to first buy the preventative deworm and then on the horses page there is an option to give a flu shot or deworm...

Can you deworm a one month old puppy?

Yes, u should 2nd Answer: 4 weeks sounds a little young . . . our dogs are wormed around 7 to 8 weeks.