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The withdrawal date for most antibiotics is at least 30 days. After 30 days have passed, then the animal is good enough to be slaughtered.

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Q: How many days after a cow is on an antibiotic is it killed?
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When was Cow Days created?

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What happnds if you kill a cow in India?

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What is likely cause of death of a pregnant cow that could not eat or drink for 5 days with small nasal discharge and little salivalong acting antibiotic giving later breath problem and death?

There could be a large number of problems that could've killed her. The most likely cause may be bloat, gut impaction or a blockage in the gut, or something more serious that inhibited her ability to eat. The rumen will stop contractions after 4 days, and a cow will die of dehydration and starvation soon after. I would get a vet to do a necropsy on the cow to see what really happened. It's better than asking on here where you will get a varied and often unclear answer.

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First of all, let's do the math here. One year has 365 days, and the average estrous period of a cow is 21 days. So to find how many times a cow will go into heat in one year is 365/21 = 17 days. Thus, a cow (if not bred during that year) will go into heat 17 times in one year.

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How many days can a cow get pregnant?

Are you asking about how many days it will take the cow to come into heat after calving, or how many days is it between heat periods? For the former, it's 45 to 80 days. For the latter, it's ~21 days.