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Sevin will have a residual of 7-10 days on the plants that you spray. Pets such as cats and dogs may reenter the treated area once the product has thoroughly dried.

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Q: How long does sevin pesticide stay harmful if sprayed on a lawn and how long before the lawn is safe for dogs?
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Which Sevendust shares its name with the term Sevin Dust?

Plant Pesticide

Sevendust shares its name with the term Sevin Dust which is what?

Plant pesticide

When can you eat cabbage after it been sprayed with sevin?

Label says 3 days. I would still rinse.

What does sevin dust mean?

Sevin dust is a brand name for a pesticide containing the chemical carbaryl. It is used to control a variety of insects on fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and lawns. Sevin dust is typically applied in powder form by dusting or sprinkling onto the affected plants.

Is Garden Tech Sevin concentrate bug killer harmful to pets?

Yes, the active ingredient in Sevin concentrate bug killer, carbaryl, can be harmful to pets if ingested or exposed to in large amounts. It is important to follow the product instructions carefully, keep pets away from treated areas until they dry, and store the product securely out of reach of pets. If there is accidental exposure, contact a veterinarian immediately.

Is Sevin harmful to dogs?

The warnings on the Sevin container say to wear gloves when handling it, and use caution using around people pand pets. So yes, it is likely to be harmful to dogs.

The band sevendust shares its name with what?

A Computer Virus "Sevin Dust", which is a gardener's pesticide that's been around for about 50 years.

Can Sevin treated vegetables be rinsed and eaten the next day after use?

Sevin is the pesticide carbaryl and some formulations are label for use on vegetables. In the United States the EPA regulates pesticide use and requires what is known REI (Re-entry Interval) and "Days to Harvest" (or use) to be on the label. REIs are the days or hours between pesticide application and when it is safe to enter the field. Days to Harvest is the time required between pesticide application and harvesting the crop. These intervals are not negotiable if you are concerned about safety. It would be difficult to tell you exactly the REI and Days to Harvest from just the word Sevin, there are many formulations and concentrations of this product marketed and each once will have differing labels, REIs and Days to Harvest. If you do not have the label, an internet search with the generic name, in this case carbaryl, or trade name, in this case Sevin, with the word label, should return a link to a sample label. Print it and keep it, pesticides labels carry the weight of law and are your best source of info on using a pesticide safely and effectively. On a personal note, all Sevin labels carry the precaution to avoid application where bees are working, Sevin is highly toxic to bees and for this reason alone, I don't use in it my veggie garden.

Does Sevin kill aphids?

yes it does, i used it before

Is Garden Tech Sevin Concentrate bug killer harmful to human?

Yes, Garden Tech Sevin Concentrate bug killer is harmful to humans. The label lists carbaryl as the active ingredient. It mentions "hazards to humans & domestic animals" from absorption, contact, inhalation and swallowing.

How often do you use Sevin dust?

I have used a low dose Sevin dust on our outside dogs before and it worked well with no side effects.

How often should Sevin dust be reapplied to your roses?

According to the Pesticide Action Network North America's website 10% Sevin Dust has had its registration for use in the US cancelled on July 1, 1987. Cancelled due to it being highly acutely toxic, known carcinogen, reproductive and developmental toxin and groundwater pollutant.