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It depends on what you're making it for, but basically "if you have to ask, the answer isn't going to help you much." It's not something you can do at home, unless you're a biochemist (and probably even then you wouldn't have all the equipment you need just sitting around).

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12y ago

They usually inject some animal with small dosages of venom to get an immune response, collect that and administer it to someone who has been affected with the venom.

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14y ago

it is made with real snake venom

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Q: How do you make antivenin?
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How does antivenin work?

Antivenin works by binding to toxins in the venom and neutralizing their effects. This helps to prevent further damage to tissues and organs in the victim's body. Antivenin is made by injecting animals with small amounts of venom, causing them to produce antibodies that can then be collected and used to make the antivenin.

Is there an Antivenin for a Brown Recluse bite?

No. There is no such thing as antivenin for anything.

What is an antivenin?

An antivenin is an antitoxin for treating bites from venomous animals such as snakes and spiders.

Can human be given antivenin more than once?

Yes, they can receive antivenin multiple times as long as they have not developed an allergy to it. In such a case, the antivenin could kill the patient.

Can antivenin kill a person?

Antivenin is produced from blood serum of horses or sheep. If a person has an allergy to either of these animals, the antivenin could cause death faster than the venom from the snake.

Is black widow antivenin illegal?


Why can't you receive the same antivenin twice?

You can.

What animal is used to make the antivenom for the funnel web spider?

its antivenin and the answer is a rabbit the rabbit has these things that fight the venom and it is used in quiet a lot of antivenins.

Snake bite antivenin is an example of?

Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

What cures the king cobra bite?

The only treatment is the prompt administration of antivenin.

Can a rattlesnake bite be cured?

Most bites can be cured with antivenin treatment.

Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.