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Urine is normally sterile.

Warts come from viral infections.

HPV is a common wart producer.

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Q: Does warts come from human or animals urine?
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Is there DNA in Human Urine?

Yes, human urine does contain DNA. The DNA in urine can come from sloughed-off cells from the urinary tract and other parts of the body that are excreted in the urine. This can be used in certain types of genetic testing.

If your kid drank your urine is she in danger?

IF ANYONE ACCIDENTLY swallows human urine, they will not be "poisoned". When a healthy person urinates, it actually come out sterile. But seeing how urine is the "waste water" of the human body, I would not recommend that people drink urine, whether it is their own or someone elses.

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No. It is impossible to touch animals while you are on acid. Acid doesnt come out in your sweat, but it does in your urine. Drink your urine to increase and prolong the trip.

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the animals of today come from there before time species and went through change for instance a caveman turned into a human

What are the toads called in North Dakota West Fargo Eagle Run and do they give out warts?

Toads don't cause warts. Warts come from a virus that toads don't carry.

Does Genital warts run in families?

Genital warts don't run in the family; you must come into contact with the virus to be infected.

Can you see people who were born by animals?

No, it is not scientifically possible for humans to be born from animals. Humans are a distinct species with unique genetic characteristics that differ from animals.

Is it possible for anything to come out with your urine?

Sometimes sperm may come out with urine

What are some common superstitons about diseases?

One common superstition is that you get warts from toads. That is just not possible, warts come from a virus that frogs and toads never carry.

Why wouldn't a pregnancy show in urine?

Urine doesn't come from the vagina.

Do pulling off warts cause cancer?

Nope. The warts may come back, but there's no connection between their removal and cancer. If you're concerned about skin cancer, talk to your doc.