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Actually, yes. Some truly nasty bacteria such as streptococcus (the bacteria that causes strep throat, among other things) is one of many that can be found on toilet seats. A dog's mouth on the other hand, can house colonies of bacteria. Now, just to put that in perspective, the human mouth also houses colonies of bacteria but a dog's mouth has been shown to house significantly more colonies than those of a human. For more information on both bacteria found on toilet seats and bacteria found in a dog's mouth, see the related links.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A dog's mouth is rich in bacteria, but only 15-20% of dog bites become infected

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You may not believe it but a dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans mouth.

They are also good for healing cuts and other wounds

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes it is they did a segment on mythbusters and it is

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Truthfully, a human bite is more dangerous than a dog bite (unless the dog is rabid) because of the different bacteria it can contain.

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Q: Does a dog's mouth have more bacteria than a toilet seat?
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Who has more bacteria a dog's mouth or people's mouth?

Typically, a dog's mouth has more bacteria than a human's mouth. Dogs have different oral bacteria species due to their different diets and habits, but it's important to note that not all bacteria are harmful. Good oral hygiene practices for both dogs and humans can help maintain a healthy mouth microbiome.

Why do some dogs drink out of the toilet?

dogs drink out of the toilet because they need more to drink·

Are dogs mouths cleaner than a human mouth?

A dog's mouth because it holds less bacteria in it's mouth and because the saliva in a dog's mouth is more acidic so it breaks down the bacteria in there mouths. when a dog swallows all the saliva makes the dog have a cleaner mouth

Do dogs have cleaner mouths then cats?

A cat's mouth is cleaner. The average cat mouth has about 16-18 different types of bacteria, while the dog mouth has over 60 different types. They tend to have less because they open their mouths less often, thus not attracting so many microorganisms from the outside world, while the dog is constantly panting and breathing heavily through their mouths. Another reason because of this is that dogs tend to lick and bite things more than cats, whether it's exploring a new object or person that came into the house, drinking toilet water, or eating dirty socks. Cats, on the other hand, sniff and paw things when they want to play and only occasionally bite. A cat's mouth is also cleaner because of their eating habits.

What is so unique about a dogs mouth?

Dog's mouths have several unique characteristics such as containing bacteria that can help with wound healing due to their antibacterial properties, having a higher body temperature than humans which helps prevent the growth of bacteria, and having a "Jacobson's organ" which allows them to analyze and interpret scents in a way humans cannot.

Who has more bacteria a dog's mouth or people's mouth science project?

They are equal

Why is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's mouth?

A dog's mouth is cleaner because it contains less bacteria although these bacteria are more harmful to humans

Which has more bacteria human anus or human mouth?

The human mouth typically contains more bacteria than the human anus. The mouth provides a warm, moist environment that bacteria thrive in, while the anus has a lower bacterial population due to its exposure to digestive enzymes and regular bowel movements that help to flush out bacteria.

Are there more bacteria on a toilet handle or my science desk?

There are likely more bacteria on a toilet handle compared to a science desk, as toilet handles are frequently touched surfaces that can harbor various germs. However, both surfaces can still harbor bacteria, so it is important to regularly clean and disinfect both to prevent the spread of infections.

Do young dogs have more bacteria than old dogs?

No they have less because their saliva is more acidic

Are cats dirtier than dogs?

cats because they do not have antibacterial acid in there mouth but dogs do and dogs has slobbery tounges.ADD:Neither animals have bacterial-killing saliva - this is why a vet always advises to keep an animal from licking a wound. Constant licking will keep a wound open and thus allows bacteria in. Both dogs and cats have bacteria in their saliva.Its hard to say which animal has more germs. Both animals get sick and can carry illnesses and bacteria to other animals.

Which has more bacteria your shoes a door knob your telephone the toilet seat or your comb?

The toilet seat tends to have the most bacteria due to fecal contamination. Next in line would likely be the door knob, followed by the comb, the telephone, and finally, the shoes.