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Yes. The get sick of the same things humans do. They could even get cancer.

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No, they just squish 'em

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Q: Do vets treat injured or sick insects?
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Who is the person who loves animals and heals them when they are sick?


Why do you have vets?

To heel sick, hurt, or injured pets. My favorite vet is Dr. Pilakiemilos (long last name!)

Can your dog be taken if they bite the vet?

Dogs threaten to bite vets all the time- vets are used to having sick and injured dogs snap at them- if they get bitten, they surely do not blame the dog or its owner.

Where do veterinarian's work?

That would depend on what kinds of animals they treat. Vets who treat cats and dogs and common household pets probably have an office in which they see sick animals. Vets who treat horses or cows will generally make "barn calls" (since you could hardly call them "house calls").

Why do we need vets?

We need vets to see to our animals when they are sick.

How Many Sick Leaves to Vets Get?

VETS DONT GET ANY SICK LEAVESleaves never get sick so don't have go to vet so there!

What is the difference between vets and doctors?

Vets treat animals and doctors treat humans. In other words, a vet is like a doctor, only they treat animals. Vets are animal doctors

Who should you take your cat to get treatment if your cat is sick?

Most vets treat cats. Check your yellow pages. If you find a vet that specializes in cats, go there.

What is the outlook on vets?

vets can : put animals down when they r very sick cure them when they arnt that sick take care of them if they are very old

What is a animal that is illegal for a vet to treat?

With my research I saw that many vets can treat any animal because there are many different kinds of vets. But any vet can refuse to treat an animal. For example. If your dog is sick, the vet can refuse to treat the dog because, unlike in human medicine, there is no legal requirement for treatment. The two most common reasons a veterinarian will refuse to treat an animal are lack of owner ability to pay for treatment and inexperience with the species or condition.

What are three important duties of a vets job?

Providing medical care and treatment to sick or injured animals. Educating pet owners on proper animal care and preventive health measures. Performing surgeries and other medical procedures to diagnose and treat illnesses in animals.

The mother cat is sick and now the babies are sick too how do I treat her?

This cat and kittens may have distemper. I don't know what symptoms they are displaying but I would take them to a vet ASAP!ANSWERtake them all to the vets right away, YOU cant treat them, you dont know whats wrong with them, only a vet will be able to tell that, and only a vet will be able to treat them.