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It would be best to talk to your veterinarian about this - many human drugs and pills are not safe for dogs.

However, cranberry pills are not proven effective at mitigating bladder problems in humans either, so the odds these will help your dog is minimal at best.

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Q: Can you give your dog cranberry pills for bladder problems?
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If you take fifty pills of natural cranberry powder concentrate will it work for a marijuana drug test eighteen hours from now?

Cranberry powder actually will not help you beat a drug test. Also, taking 50 might make you pretty ill. At the least it, will give you a pretty good case of diarrhea. Cranberry is very acidic.

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depends how much you give them you can only give them 2 times a day because it could cause bladder problems

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You could have a bladder infection or UTI (same thing.) UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. If you suspect that it's a bladder infection, drink plenty of water or cranberry juice is recommended, and wear cotton underwear (females). You can go to the doctor where they will test your urine for bacteria and give you antibiotics if it is confirmed that you have a bladder infection.

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How to cure bladder infection?

A bladder infection should be treated by your doctor with Antibiotics. In the mean time though, there are a few things you can do to help. One thing is to drink plenty of water. This helps to flush out some of the bacteria in your body. Additionally, drink real cranberry juice (not cocktail, and needs to be 100% juice). A substance in cranberry juice helps bacteria to not stick to your bladder's walls, and be excreted.

How long does it take for cranberry juice and water to clean your system?

Cranberry pills are a popular home remedy to promote urinary tract health. Most people report relief of urinary tract infection symptoms within one day; if you do not experience relief within one day, consult a physician.

Did Elvis really die from drugs?

Yes and no . Elvis Presley's mother gladys also died of a heart attack.However he took many pills to help him stay awake and give him energy. He died of heretitary cardiac problems and also the pills he took.

Why does orange juice give me bladder infections?

Orange juice cannot cause bladder infections. Bladder infections are caused from bacteria that enter the bladder, usually via the urethra. And contrary to popular belief, cranberry juice does not cure a bladder infection. But there are other things that can mimic a bladder infection, such as Interstitial Cystitis. Sexual intercourse can also cause you to have some sypmtoms of a bladder infection if there was not adequate lubrication, which would cause urethral and vaginal irritation. If you feel you do have a bladder infection, you need to see your doctor. A bladder infection can also affect the kidneys if not treated with antibiotics. If there is no infection there are some things you can do to get relief from the discomfort. Sitting in a warm or hot tub of water relaxes the bladder muscles, which helps eliminate the painful spasms. You can also get over-the-counter medications for this. The name of one is Azo Standard. It is a bladder analgesic, and is quite effective in relieving the discomfort.

What is effigen?

Regarding your query about effigen. Yes they are wonderful 'diet' pills, BUT certainly not on perscribtion. They are a mild form of speed! So very illegal. However, they do work re weight lose, as they give you loads of energy and hence burn off calories, and also you are not hungry. With reference to side effects I undertsand that if taken over a long period of time they can cause bladder problems