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No, you should never give human medications to an animal. Animals react differently to medications than humans and this could kill your dog.

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Q: Can you give Immodium AD to a 25lb dog?
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Immodium ad is.Oct medication. Meaning its not a controlled substance, so its very doubtful anyone cares to test for it.

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Medicines include Kaopectate and Immodium. In severe cases, fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration.

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codiene is an opiate . if your coming off oxycodone or hydrocodone it might take the edge off but your still going to have a bad spell. tip get some immodium ad. you will need it.

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one tablet at the first time.Another tablet each time that it will defecate liquid diahrrea .

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I don't know of any specific foods, but you can go to any grocery store and buy specific anti-dirreahl medicines such as Pepto Bismol or Immodium AD. Hope this helps :)

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The breed of dog featured in the Rolex toilet paper ad is a Labrador Retriever.

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If your referring to pedigree magazine dog food ad it was a golden Retriever.

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How can you get people to let you walk their dog for pay with them picking up their own dog?

put an ad in the news paper call your local newspaper office and talk to them it be a charge to run the ad