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It is not common but yes you can. It is best to keep your puppy dewormed on a regular basis. Take a stool sample in to your Veterinarian and have it checked for parasite eggs. Not all eggs will show up, such as the tapeworm eggs which are enclosed in cysts. Sometimes in the feces you will see little white things that look like grains of rice, that would be tapeworm eggs. When you gather your stool sample to take in, take it from over a 2 day period

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no not that you are warring about it

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Q: Can you get worms from your puppies?
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Can adults dogs get worms from puppies?

It is very rare for a adult dog to get worms from puppies,but it's possible.

Does puppies get worms from mother?

Yes. in fact, every contact with another dog with parasites gets the puppies the worms.

Does a puppy get worms from being held to much?

No, puppies do not get worms from being held too much. Worms are usually contracted through contact with contaminated feces, soil, or other infected animals. It is important to deworm puppies regularly and practice good hygiene to prevent worm infestations.

What is the time it takes to cure worms in puppies?

78 78

Can the puppies get worms if you hold them to much?

Puppies can not get worms from being held too much. Worm infestation can be contracted from eating undercooked meats, or licking grass where an infected animal has defecated.

What are long three inch worms in puppies stool?

they could be round worms....your puppy would need to be dewormed

Do puppies get heartworms?

Yes, all dogs can get heart worms.

Is bactrim given to puppies for worms?

Bactrim is not given to puppies for deworming purposes. You need to know what types of worms your pup has & then use the appropriate dewormer for the types of worms pup has. I suggest you take your pup & a sample of his or her feces into your Veterinarian to be checked out. What are you giving the Bactrim for and who gave it to you?

What kind of worms do puppies get?

Puppies can get different types of worms, including roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. It is important to regularly deworm puppies to help keep them healthy and prevent potential transmission to humans. Consult with a veterinarian for the best deworming schedule and treatment for your puppy.

How long does it take medication to kill worms in puppies?

within 1 to 12 hrs

Does pumpkin seeds help cure worms in puppies?

Dookey taste like chocolate. :)

How do puppies act if they have worms?

Puppies with worms may exhibit symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, bloated belly, and lethargy. Some puppies may also have a dull coat or experience a loss of appetite. It is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment if you suspect your puppy has worms.