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Vertebral hemangiomas are really verterbral vascular malformations, either venous, lymphatic or arterio-venous. Hemangiomas only occur in infants but are often confused with their cousin - the vascular malformation. And, yes, it is typical for a venous malformation to arise from direct trauma. Since it is in the spinal area the person with this condition should contact one of our medical experts or someone who really knows how to treat these lesions. Boston Children's Hospital has a huge team and they treat adults and children and will review imaging studies for free. They also accept most insurances. You can call and ask for the Vascular Anomalies Program at Boston Children's.

Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon, PhD


Vascular Birthmarks Foundation

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Q: Can trauma cause vertebral hemangioma
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What are the treatments for a benign vertebal hemangioma seen within the L2?

Treatments for benign vertebral hemangioma vary depending on the type and symptoms, if any, caused by the tumor. Treatments may include radiation therapy, embolization, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, intralesional alcohol injection, and as a last resort, surgical removal.

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What is focal hemangioma?

Focal hemangioma is a benign tumor made up of small blood vessels. It is typically found in the liver and is usually asymptomatic, but can cause pain or other complications if it enlarges. Treatment is generally not required unless the hemangioma grows significantly or causes symptoms.

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No, blunt force trauma cannot cause cancer.

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What is hemangioma?

A hemangioma is a benign tumor that can involve the body of the vertebra. This tumor is often found in the lower thoracic or upper lumbar spine, usually involving only a single vertebra. Interestingly, not all hemangiomas produce symptoms such as pain. Hemangiomas typically occur during mid-life, affecting females more often than males. The most common symptom associated with a hemangioma is pain. This is typically the result of a large hemangioma involving the entire vertebral body. Hemangiomas may be discovered as part of an evaluation for Back pain. They have a very characteristic appearance on regular x-rays, referred to as " honeycombing." There may also be a varying degree of collapse and loss of vertebral height with extensive involvement. When the collapse is severe, impingement on the spinal cord or neural elements will produce severe pain and loss of function in the legs, bowel or bladder. There are a number of treatment options for vertebral hemangioma, ranging from observation to radiation to surgical resection. Treatment decisions are based upon the severity of symptoms or neurologic compromise. The management of a vertebral hemangioma must take into account the generous blood supply of the lesion, and requires careful planning by the surgeon involved in your care before surgical treatment is recommended.: A hemangioma is an abnormal build up of blood vessels in the skin or internal organs. 1. A vascular tumor, present at birth or developing during life, in which proliferation of blood vessels leads to a mass that resembles a neoplasm; hemangiomas can occur anywhere in the body but are most frequently noticed in the skin and subcutaneous tissues; most hemangiomas present at birth undergo spontaneouos regression. dr.sohaib al adawi

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