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My dog has that, or rather had it. She just came out of sugery for her hystorectomy. Our vet mentioned that people can indeed contract it. However I believe you have to be having your period when you come in contact with the bactira that causes it. Best to ask your O.B.G.Y.N.

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Q: Can a human contract pyometra from a feline?
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Human is to feline as feline is to?

Human is to Feline, as Feline is to Kit. (In my eyes cats are like children <house hold> and Kits are Feline children)

Human is to adult like feline is to cat?

The mature version of a human is an adult, and the mature version of a feline is a cat. So human is to adult as feline is to cat.

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Human is to adult as feline is to cat. These are just subjects and the adult names for their species.

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No, cats are feline.

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That would be a funny take on the old saying "to err is human, to forgive divine." A cat is a feline, and it purrs.

Feline born in oct 1998 is how old in feline years?

there are 7 cat years to 1 human year so 7 x 12 =84 feline years

Is there a mythical beast that has a human form and feline form?

The Sphinx

Can dogs get measles?

Cats and humans do not share the same viral infections. For examples:A human cannot get a cold from a cat that has a viral cold.A human child who has the measles cannot give measles to a cat-- cats do not get measles.A cat can get a swollen jaw from a bad tooth, but a cat cannot contract mumps.A cat can have Feline HIV-AIDS but the human cannot get HIV-AIDS from a cat. The human and feline are two different strains.

What human medications can be given to a feline?

you shouldn't give any human medications to any animal. Call your vet.

What antibiotic is used for pyometra?
