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Q: Why would somebody want to captain a slave ship?
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Who signed the decleration of independence that was a ship's captain in the African slave trade?

There was no slave ship captain that signed the Declaration of Independence. The document had nothing to do with slavery and IF there had been a captain who ran a slave ship it wouldn’t have made any difference. Jefferson owned slaves and he wrote the Declaration.

Who was The black slave who would later captain a Union ship?

Robert Smalls was a slave who commandeered a Confederate ship and made his way to freedom. He then went into service with the Union army.

The black slave who would later captain a Union ship was?

Robert Smalls was a slave who commandeered a Confederate ship and made his way to freedom. He then went into service with the Union army.

What was life on a slave ship as a captain?

that was a lot of help

Who was the captain of the first slave ship?

Sir John Hawkins had the dubious honor of being the first British captain to dock a slave ship in the English colonies. The year was 1619 and the place was Jamestown, VA.

Who was a former slave who worked as captain on a union ship and later became a congressman from South Carolina?

This would be Robert Smalls.

The black slave who would later captain a Union ship?

Robert Smalls, 1839-1915. Captain of the transport ship USS Planter. After the war he became a member of the US House of Representatives from South Carolina.

The first slave ship is named?

Sir John Hawkins had the dubious distinction of becoming the first slave-ship captain to bring Africans to the Americas. His ship was called "the good ship Jesus".

Who is Captain Cawthorne in The Slave Dancer?

Captain Cawthorne is the cruel and corrupt captain of the ship that captures Jessie, the main character in "The Slave Dancer." He forces Jessie to play the fife to keep the enslaved Africans dancing during the Middle Passage.

Who signed the declaration of independence and was a ship's captain in the African slave trade?

Axle Rose

Who signed the declaration independence and was a ship's captain in the African slave trade?

Axle Rose

Who was the ship captain in the African slave trade and later became a merchant in Portsmouth?

William Williams