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Because they just were

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Q: Why were the early settlers attracted to the west?
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What land feature attracted early American settlers?

hb h

What colony Attracted settlers from other Colonies and the West Indies is it Georgia or the Carolinas?

it was the carolinas

What factors attracted settlers to Ottawa Canada?

The good farm land attracted settlers.

Things that made early settlers move west?

The things that made settlers move to the west was gold.ANS 2 - I'm not American, but my view of history was that most settlers moved west to claim their own farmland in the new territories.

What attracted settlers to Georgia?

In Georgia, settlers were attracted to the peace and harmony between the Indians and the colonies.That is the answer

What attracted early settlers to the Nile's?

The Nile Valley was fertile and well watered at a time when the surrounding regions were turning to desert.

What attracted early settlers to the Nile Valley?

The Nile Valley was fertile and well watered at a time when the surrounding regions were turning to desert.

It attracted settlers desiring religious freedom?

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom attracted settlers desiring religious freedom

What best explains the American colonization of the West?

the demand for land and a new life for early settlers

What mean of transportation did settlers take to the west in early 1800s?

the take rather a train or a boat

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Why were early christians attracted attracted to the island

What developments of the late 180s attracted settlers to endure the hardships of the great plains?

copper and gold The California Gold Rush brought many out West.