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The Border War began and 1854 with the Kansas-Nebraska act, which allowed for the opening of the two territories, leaving it up to the voters in each state to decide rather slavery would be legal or prohibited. Most Kansans settlers favored slavery at this time and were more concerned with settling the territory then arguing over slavery issues. The majority of Missourians were made up of individuals loyal to Federal governmentwho approved of slavery but wanted some compromise to be found that would keep the southern states in the Union. If Kansas entered the Union as a free state, then Missouri would be bordered on the east, west and north by states that prohibited slavery, giving abolitionists the opportunity to liberate slaves and also make it easier for slaves to escape from Missouri. Even though the number of slave owners in Missouri was small, Southerners largely populated the state, making up about 75% of the total population. Most of the slave owners owned just a few slaves and the types of crops they raised did not require a large number of slaves to plant and cultivate. Most of the residents worked small farms.

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Q: Why were the border states important to the north?
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What were border states and why were they important?

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What is the meaning of Border States?

Border States refer to the slave states that remained loyal to the Union during the American Civil War. These states included Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. They were strategically important because of their geographical location between the North and South.

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Why were the three so-called border states important to the north?

The border states (Delaware, Maryland, and Kentucky) were important to the North during the Civil War because they were slave states that did not secede from the Union. Maintaining their loyalty helped to prevent the Confederacy from gaining more territory and resources. Additionally, their strategic location along the border between the North and South made them crucial for controlling transportation routes and communication lines.

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No but the United States of America does, on the north border at least.

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North Dakota and Minnesota border Manitoba.

Four of the eight border states sided with the north why was this important to nouthern war effort?

It tilted the balance crucially in favour of the North - especially as one of the buffer-states was Maryland, which enclosed Washington D.C.