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Q: Why were blockade runners so important to the south?
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Why did king cotton prove useless for the south?

The south had produced bumper crops of cotton for the three years before the Civil War began. Warehouses in France and England were bulging with raw cotton, so there was no immediate shortage to idle mills and workers. Cotton continued to be exported by blockade runners during the war on a much smaller scale. The south would have been far better off had farmers stopped planting cotton and started growing food.

How did the union's blockade hurt the south?

It prevented them from exchanging their cotton for the war supplies they so urgently needed, having no manufacturing capacity of their own.

Explain why the north wanted to blockade the south.?

The north did not want anything to enter the south or leave the south They wanted to keep to keep all ports from being used because they did not want any food or weapons to go in the south And they wanted the south to suffer so they could surrender

Explain why the north wanted to blockade the south?

The north did not want anything to enter the south or leave the south They wanted to keep to keep all ports from being used because they did not want any food or weapons to go in the south And they wanted the south to suffer so they could surrender

What was the impact of American Civil War on the cotton supply?

The Northern blockade was the biggest factor, preventing the South from exchanging its cotton for the war supplies it needed. At the beginning, the South decided to withhold cotton from the world market, to encourage other countries to intervene on behalf of the Confederates and break the blockade. This turned out a blunder, as there was a glut of cotton on the market just then, so no country really felt the pressure, and by the time they changed their policy, the blockade had become highly effective.

Related questions

Why did the Union navy establish a blockade of the south coastline at the beginning of the war?

They established a blockade to keep the south from trading with other countries in an attempt to starve the south. It worked fairly well, however, the blockade ships were thinly lining the coast, so blockade runners still smuggled in guns shoes and other goods, and still exported cotton, but not nearly as much as before.

How did ships help the civil war?

The Union used ships to enforce a blockade on the ports of the south, so that they could not import war goods or export cash crops like cotton and tobacco. The Union also used ships to transport troops and as gunboats to bombard enemy cities and forts. Ships were very important to bring supplies to armies far from home. The most famous ships of the south were the blockade runners, small fast ships meant to take a few tons of cargo and sneak past the Union blockade.

Why was south vulnerable to a blockade by north?

Because the South had no manufacturing industry, so it needed foreign imports. But it also had no Navy to combat the Union blockade.

Why was south vulnerable to a blockade by the north?

Because the South had no manufacturing industry, so it needed foreign imports. But it also had no Navy to combat the Union blockade.

What was the goal of the Union blockade of Confederate ports and how did the Confederacy try to get around it?

During the American Civil War, the goal of the Union naval blockade of Southern ports was intended to starve the South of key material resources and war-making supplies. The Confederacy sought to get around the blockade by sending "blockade-runners" through the Union pickets at night or in rough weather or at other propitious times. They also attempted (unsuccessfully, on the whole) to reorganize their industry as more self-sufficient.

What were the stradegyof the US in the Civil War?

Blockade the south and attrit them. The North KNEW the south had a limited number of men and equipment. Hence, the US Navy's blockade...and the South's corresponding "blockade runners." The South would run out of men and guns (especially gunpowder) sooner or later...and they did. In the meantime, the North would destroy and kill any and all anything southern (within the rules of war...preserving women and children, etc.). The North produced their own cannon and muskets/rifles/revolvers; the South stole/captured/or bought theirs. The north had more white males than the south did, and so while the north grew stronger, the south grew weaker. They were attritted.

Was an effect of the unions naval blockade of the Confederacy?

The naval blockade prevented the Confederacy from receiving supplies from Britain(mostly). It also prevented goods from shipping out so the money which would otherwise be made by this commerce was reduced. In an effort to defeat the blockade "Blockade Runners"were used. These were low-profile,fast ships that could sometimes get past the larger Union Navy ships and make it to port.

What wa an effect of the unions naval blockade of the confederacy?

The naval blockade prevented the Confederacy from receiving supplies from Britain(mostly). It also prevented goods from shipping out so the money which would otherwise be made by this commerce was reduced. In an effort to defeat the blockade "Blockade Runners"were used. These were low-profile,fast ships that could sometimes get past the larger Union Navy ships and make it to port.

How did the South respond to the North's improvement of the its Navy to create a blockade?

{| |- | They had limited resources, so they attempted to make the best of what they had. They developed submarine warfare and had limited success. They also created a sereies of Iron Clads that they used to attack the Union Navy. Torpedoes, what we know call mines, were also used to provide protection. The Blockade Runners managed to keep small amounts of supplies coming through. |}

How was blockade used in the civil war?

The blockade was used by the Union Soldiers to blockade southern ports so that they could not import or export goods.

What was a Civil War blockade?

The civil war blockade was when the Navy covered the Southern's coast so that no one could get through. The South could not trade and they could not get supplise or food or even money.

How did the union naval blockade affect the south economy during the civil war?

It prevented them from exchanging their cotton for the war supplies they so urgently needed, having no manufacturing capacity of their own.