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Q: Why was victory worse than defeat for the South in civill war?
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The South was in worse shape, since they were defeated. Plus there was the Reconstruction Era which penalized the South and burdened them with additional bureaucracy.

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The Visigoths defeated the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378. This was the second worse defeat in Roman history. Adrianople was near modern day Edirne, in European Turkey.

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I dont know but be sure it wil be worse and by from belgium.

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The side that came out in worse condition was the South. The reason why is because Grant ordered more troops when Souths troops were exasusthed.

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When I was a kid (say just a half century ago), there were still "white" and "colored" signs in Washington DC. 150 years ago it was even worse, and the farther south you went, the worse it got. If you were smart, you ran.

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Anything along the south coast. Florida was hit pretty bad.

What was a major event that caused the American Civil War and how?

A major event was the conflict between the North and South about how African Americans should be treated. The South thought they should be slaves while the North thought opposite. Fights began to go through and it got worse and worse until a war began.

Why should wars have rules?

With out rules wars would be even worse. It is usually better to have your enemy surrender than to just defeat him. If your enemy surrenders you are more likely to have a lasting victory. When your enemy has to surrender it really makes a statement,(we are finished). Look what happened at Yorktown. The rules of war say that you don't kill someone when they are surrendering. Without rules no one would ever surrender. They would just fight on the last man.